The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia
The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia is a Peer to Peer based Independent Non-Aligned Research Hub providing Information & Educational Materials to support the Health and Wellbeing of People…
“And also on the Male Servants and on the Female Servants I shall pour out My Spirit in those days. Joel 2:29
The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia is a Peer to Peer based Independent Non-Aligned Research Hub providing Information & Educational Materials to support the Health and Wellbeing of People…
Perth Funeral in July for HIV People aka The AIDS Candlelight Memorial #MakeTheMasonsPAYtax #NoFreeLunches #EndTheAIDSGravyTrain #DefundTheGroomers #CloseNAPWHAdown #MergeBBVSTI #ReleaseTheCure Everyone, except those who have not been invited or who have…