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Perth Funeral in July for HIV People aka The AIDS Candlelight Memorial

#MakeTheMasonsPAYtax #NoFreeLunches #EndTheAIDSGravyTrain #DefundTheGroomers #CloseNAPWHAdown #MergeBBVSTI #ReleaseTheCure

Everyone, except those who have not been invited or who have been told they are not invited, is Invited to Perth’s Annual Funeral in July for HIV+ People aka the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial which is held on the 3rd Sunday of May every year!

In 2023, the date is 21 May & Have The AIDS industry acknowledged the truth in Sister Mary-Jane’s reportage, of the allegations that this event is also “the only WAAC Christmas Party that Men are invited to” by the announcement, in advance, that coffee will be provided this year without, the usual letter to the minister for health?

Either way all around the world Ordinary Men and Women who are concerned about AIDS and or the role AIDS plays in the international Leadership of Tyranny, that is trying to replace human rights based medical care with neo-feudalism, have the opportunity to attend their local events on the 21 May 2023.

We believe that Ordinary Men and Women will soon begin Standing in Silence with signs calling for the arrest of Dr Fauci and the rest of the Global Grifters and Groomers who collectively, are the real predators that Joe Biden was talking about in Congress. #ArrestFauci,

If Dr Fauci is arrested for his role in the Wuhan Lab and his Global BBV empire crumbles what is going to hapans then? Which ever political party is in power here in Wait Awhile is not going to be keen on retaining health workers with personal liability issues.

“I predict there are going to be quite a few GGGs in Perth that will need to be put out to pasture when the Opposition Alliance comes to power in WA.  #Trump2024 & #ABL2025” Sister Mary-Jane Singleton, Gays For Trump Australia 

We understand that this year all non Woke Grassroots Organisations from the HIV Consumer Alliance of WA to the Friends of the WA AIDS Memorial were told by “someone presenting on speaking on behalf of the organisers” not to Attend.

Our response is that we were not planning to attend Perth’s annual demoralisation mind control ceremony and we will be in our cells praying that a “funeral for the funding of grooming” of the AIDS Industry will arrive in the next budget .



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By faghealth

The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia is a Peer to Peer based Independent Non-Aligned Research Hub providing Information & Educational Materials for Health People Living with HIV/AIDS in WA. FagHealth is paid for by James Rendell for Fagmedia on behalf of the HIV Consumer Alliance of WA. Fagmedia is an Independent Media Organisation in Western Australia established in 2001. Fagmedia.org

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