The System of Public Health utilising unaccountable and unregulated Non Government Organisations to deliver Support Services for People Living with and affected by HIV and BBV, has failed. An AIDS Gravy Train Culture, often called the NAPWHA Gravy Plane, has resulted in outdated service organisations that are no longer fit for purpose. Longstanding entrenched toxic leadership cultures and policies that Protect staff, even when they are caught red handed harming clients, are not safe and effective for anyone and this is why the AIDS #WalkAway is real.
The Gravy Train in the AIDS Industry results from small ideologically based factions controlling access to Support Services. The Majority of positive people in Western Australia including Heterosexual & Bisexual Men are unrepresented in Leadership and choose not to access services from the mainstream Organisations due to the cultures that discriminate against anyone who is not in the controlling factions.
One of the key complaints about the Gravy Train culture is that tax payer funded programs are set up in such a way that Protected Staff and their friends receive benefits. There are no independent regulated complaints mechanisms to protect the rights of positive people in WA and this is why the majority of People with HIV and BBV have walked away and this is the reason why WA AIDS Council of WA and NAPWHA struggle to get people to attend their support groups.
Many HIV+ People and those with BBV suffer from chronic Health conditions that result in compromised quality of life and many long term survivors are on low incomes. Lest we Forget, many long term survivors live with injuries caused by experimental HIV & BBV medications.
The HIV Consumer Alliance of WA would like to see a root and branch restructure of the BBV and STI sector in WA based around the merger of services into a state of the art, world class, regulated Perth Sexual Health Clinic and Community Hub for Advocacy and Support Groups.
This is a proven model based around the Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic that has decades of safe and effective treatment and prevention programs. A New and Improved Community Hub would allow for non discriminatory support programs to prevent a broad range of needs including early intervention for Domestic Violence.
It’s well known that the LGB HIV and Trans Community has an epidemic of Domestic Violence. There are studies in which over 75% of HIV+ people have reported experiencing Domestic Violence yet AIDS Organisations in Western Australia have refused grassroots positive people’s requests to formulate Domestic Violence Prevention Campaigns and Early Intervention Programs to prevent the harmful health consequences.
In real terms, this unacceptable disinterest means Gay, Bi, Trans and Heterosexual Men in WA are being forced to live permanently within Violent Relationships with no where to go for help. The AIDS Industry knows that Many Male Domestic Violence Victims end up in hospital or homeless living on the Streets.
The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia is a Peer to Peer based Independent Non-Aligned Research Hub providing Information & Educational Materials to support the Health and Wellbeing of People Living with HIV/AIDS & BBV and affected People including the families/friends/partners of Positive People in WA.
The HIV Consumer Alliance of WA is a Volunteer Support Group that does not receive any funding from Government or the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Our Organising Committee are NOT Members or Clients of the WA AIDS Council #WAAC or #POWA the NAPHWA Support Group for WA.
The HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia will not provide referrals for support to the WA AIDS Council or NAPHWA’s Support Group in WA due to serious allegations from Positive People regarding, what they have described to us, as toxic harmful cultures that include factional bullying, discriminatory access policies and inappropriate behaviour by Staff!